Some Gesture of Freedom That Feels Total
Some Gesture of Freedom That Feels Total
Famished Youth
Famished Youth
Rid Of Me
Rid Of Me
Painting Problems
Painting Problems
Dream Brother Barn
Dream Brother Barn
Inside Out (West of Here)
Inside Out (West of Here)
Basement Series
Basement Series
Some Gesture of Freedom That Feels Total
Some Gesture of Freedom That Feels Total
Famished Youth
Famished YouthJune 8 - 24, 2018 Bobby Gonzales | Lauren SteinbergCurated by Jameson PaigeLithium GalleryPossible time, unending liminality, an anxious lisp, potent moments, a retired self, former angst, age appropriate, weakened knees, a hanging gasp. There is a moment where we begin to know time in a bodily sense. It is not an immediate shift, but a slow drip that leaks in. This plodding corporeal change sets off an awareness of our mortality and the slipperiness of permanence–we begin to know youth only as it has left us. While youth may have come and gone, there is always unfinished business. Our attempts to close the loop on unrequited love, endeavors incomplete, or trials never to be passed, pull us back to “what-ifs” and questions of potential time spent elsewhere, no matter the limits of our bodily capacity. Famished Youth is a reverb; a crooked glance that returns to the pleasures and tropes of naive dreams. Through the reorientation time, distance, and age allow, Bobby Gonzales and Lauren Steinberg grapple with their younger efforts at forming identities. Attempts at capturing a self are tilted and focused. Somatic archives saturated with affect, desire, and longing are revisited, often with the same feelings that incited their creation. Fragments of earlier projects from their practices are reconsidered and expanded, either by tangent, reversal, or re-performance. These works provide a temporal fulcrum for understanding past selves, their residual presence, and how feelings often linger past youth’s supple bodily contours.– Jameson Paige, CuratorLithium Gallery 1932 S Halsted, Suite 200 Chicago, IL 60608
Rid Of Me
Rid Of Me
Painting Problems
Painting Problems
Dream Brother Barn
Dream Brother Barn
Inside Out (West of Here)
Inside Out (West of Here)
Basement Series
Basement Series
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